Huhu Hannah-S.,

bin super in eile.. meine mum-in-law hat geschrieben. ihr irish scheint doch nicht so gut zu sein, bzw. ist verschüttet.

sie schreibt wohl, daß einige wörter nicht wirkl irisch zu sein scheinen. sie hat noch nen link für dich.. forste dich bitte durch.. ich muss erst mal weg.. tschüssi grüssi, sorry daß ich nicht erfolgreicher war lg malve

hier die kopie von kay's mail;-) Irish is not good at all - I always hated learning the language, so consequently I don't know very much apart from the very basics. I tried the internet on Irish translations - but they were not as easy to use as the one I have done with the German language. I then got up Irish dictionary and some of the words came up "no result found". when I was reading the script, I did think there were a,, lot of words that didn't actually look Irish, but the website for the dictionary is Your friend might like to play around. I think it looks as if somebody wants to know about the name "Niamh". which is pronounced Neave. The only words I can make out are agus = and ainm = name, but some of the translations for the other words don't make sense.

Hopefully this might help a little.