Rival loves me - Neonpink (Fingernägel)
Catrice - Meet me at Coral Island (Fußnägel)
Essie Forever Yummie
Rival loves me - Neonpink (Fingernägel)
Catrice - Meet me at Coral Island (Fußnägel)
Who cares if one more light goes out
In a sky of a million stars?
Well ... I do
Pjammin' all night - Essie
Vintage Style, not Vintage Values!
Chanel - Incendiaire
I am the spark - Essie
Vintage Style, not Vintage Values!
Chanel - Incendiaire
Essie - Mademoiselle
Exotic Liras von Essie
Vintage Style, not Vintage Values!
Dior Trafalgar
Essie Licorice