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Thema: 2015 Reading Challenge

  1. #41
    Registriert seit
    Zuhause schlafe ich auch immer ein Beim Autofahren schweifen meine Gedanken aber immer ab, so dass ich nur die ersten 10 min bewusst höre.
    The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.

  2. #42
    Registriert seit
    - Book with more than 500 pages
    - Classic romance
    - Book that became a movie
    - Book published this year (2015)
    - Book with a number in the title
    - Book written by someone under 30
    - Book with nonhuman characters
    - Funny book
    - Book by female author
    - Mystery or thriller Minette Walters - The Sculptress
    - Book with one-word title
    - Book of short stories Cathy Kelly - Christmas Miracles
    - Book set in a different country
    - Nonfiction
    - Popular author's first book
    - Book from an author you love that you haven't read yet
    - Book a friend recommended
    - Pulitzer Prize-winning book
    - Book based on true story
    - Book at bottom of your to-read list
    - Book your mom loves
    - Book that scares you
    - Book more than 100 years old
    - Book based on its cover
    - Book you were supposed to read in school but didn't
    - A memoir
    - Book you can finish in a day Jill Mansell - Miranda's big mistake
    - Book with antonyms in the title
    - Book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
    - Book that came out the year you were born
    - Book with bad reviews
    - A trilogy
    - Book from your childhood
    - Book with a love triangle
    - Book set in the future
    - Book set in high school
    - Book with color in the title
    - Book that made you cry
    - Book with magic
    - Graphic novel
    - Book by an author you've never read before
    - Book you own but have never read
    - Book that takes place in your hometown
    - Book that was originally written in different language
    - Book set during Christmas
    - Book written by an author with your same initials
    - A play
    - A banned book
    - Book based on or turned into a TV show
    - Book you started but never finished
    Geändert von Visi (21.02.15 um 22:05:55 Uhr)
    The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.

  3. #43
    Registriert seit
    Na, wie sieht es auch bei euch?
    "Es gibt Windhunde und es gibt Möpse. Und ich werde nunmal in diesem Leben kein Windhund mehr."

  4. #44
    Registriert seit
    Ab morgen habe ich Zeit zum Lesen.
    Geändert von Gästin (27.01.15 um 16:51:17 Uhr)
    Man darf Wahrheit nicht mit Mehrheit verwechseln. (J. Cocteau)

  5. #45
    Registriert seit
    Jane Eyre "in der Mache", Pride + Prejudice und Ben Aaronovitch längst fertig.

  6. #46
    Registriert seit
    Lieselotte, Longbourn habe ich an den letzten beiden Abenden gelesen. hat mir sehr, sehr gut gefallen, danke für den Tipp. Mal nicht die üblichen seichten P+P-Sequels...

  7. #47
    Registriert seit
    Das freut mich.
    Die Dummheit hat aufgehört, sich zu schämen.

  8. #48
    Registriert seit
    Ich lese mich gerade durch mein 500+ Buch, das geht nicht an einem Tag
    Bin aber guten Mutes am Wochenende fertig zu werden!
    Liebe Grüße

  9. #49
    Registriert seit
    Habt ihr gute Ideen für die schwierigeren Kategorien? Erzählt mal.
    Die Dummheit hat aufgehört, sich zu schämen.

  10. #50
    Registriert seit
    Ich lese meist mehrere Bücher gleichzeitig, so komme ich nicht sehr schnell voran aber ich mag die Abwechslung

    - Book with more than 500 pages
    - Classic romance Gone with the wind - Margaret Mitchell
    - Book that became a movie East of Eden
    - Book published this year (2015) Astérix - le papyrus de César
    - Book with a number in the title
    - Book written by someone under 30
    - Book with nonhuman characters Die 13 1/2 Leben des Kapitän Blaubär
    - Funny book sieben verdammt lange Tage - Jonathan Topper
    - Book by female authorHonigtod - Hanni Münzer
    - Mystery or thriller
    - Book with one-word title
    - Book of short stories les récrés du petit Nicolas - Goscinny/Sempé
    - Book set in a different country Ti prendo e ti porto via - Niccolo Ammaniti
    - Nonfiction
    - Popular author's first book Harper Lee - go set a watchman
    - Book from an author you love that you haven't read yet
    - Book a friend recommended
    - Pulitzer Prize-winning book To kill a mockingbird - Harper Lee
    - Book based on true story
    - Book at bottom of your to-read list
    - Book your mom loves
    - Book that scares you
    - Book more than 100 years old the wizard of Oz - l. Frank Baum
    - Book based on its cover the secret life of bees - Sue Kidd
    - Book you were supposed to read in school but didn't
    - A memoir
    - Book you can finish in a day
    - Book with antonyms in the title
    - Book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
    - Book that came out the year you were born Fried green tomatoes at Whistle Stop Cafe - Fannie Flagg
    - Book with bad reviews
    - A trilogy
    - Book from your childhood Daktari - lvan Tors
    - Book with a love triangle
    - Book set in the future
    - Book set in high school
    - Book with color in the title
    - Book that made you cry Mrs Roosevelt und das Geheimnis von Earls Diner
    - Book with magic l'alchimiste - Paolo Coelho
    - Graphic novel Astérix en Corse
    - Book by an author you've never read before
    - Book you own but have never read
    - Book that takes place in your hometown
    - Book that was originally written in different language
    - Book set during Christmas
    - Book written by an author with your same initials
    - A play
    - A banned book
    - Book based on or turned into a TV show A dance with dragons - George Martin (Game of thrones
    - Book you started but never finished
    Geändert von Jessie (28.12.15 um 17:09:57 Uhr)
    "Il profumo è come l'amore, solo un poco non è mai abbastanza"

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