Gestern abend lief im englischen Fernsehen ein Special über Michael Jackson, über 14 Mio Zuschauer, und dabei gab es mal wieder einige sehr bizarre Statements *kopfschüttel*

The new revelations — and a series of other bizarre antics during interviews with reporter Martin Bashir — come 10 years after Jacko was accused of ***ually molesting 13-year-old Jordan Chandler at his ranch.

Officials in California who probed the *** scandal which erupted around Jackson in 1993 could take action following his new statements.

Jackson claimed his young friend Gavin asked to sleep in the singer’s bedroom, to which the star said: “Look if you love me you’ll sleep on the bed.”
He claimed on that occasion he slept on the floor.
But Jackson said: “Why can’t you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone.”
He even claimed children liked to be touched. He went on:
"I have slept in a bed with many children.
“I slept in a bed with all of them when Macaulay Culkin was little, Kieran Culkin would sleep on this side, Macaulay Culkin was on this side, his sisters in there.
“We all would just jam in the bed, you know? It’s very right. It’s very loving, that’s what the world needs now, more love.”

But Jackson revealed he is not comfortable with the idea of *** with Adults.
Asked about actress Tatum O’Neal trying to seduce him, Jackson said: “I was frightened. I was afraid. I didn’t think I was ready for that.”

Jacko disclosed for the first time how his new baby, Prince Michael II, was conceived by a surrogate mother he has never met.
The world knew almost nothing of the little boy’s existence until the self-styled King of Pop’s hotel balcony stunt.
But the singer chose to share details of his birth with millions in the two-hour special.
He admitted: “I used a surrogate mother and my own sperm cells. She doesn’t know me and I don’t know her.”

Asked how he selected her, Jackson replied: “It didn’t matter to me as long as she was healthy.
“I didn’t care what race she was as long as she was healthy and her vision was good.
“And her intellect — I wanted to know how intelligent she is.”

The singer strongly denied that he had endangered the baby’s life by dangling him from the fourth-floor balcony of his Berlin hotel room last November.
He said: “That’s totally ignorant. I would never do that to my children, or any child.
“Why would I try to kill my son? Come on, that’s stupid. And why would I put a scarf over the baby’s face if I was trying to throw him off a balcony.
“We were waving to thousands of fans down below and they were chanting they wanted to see my child, so I was kind enough to let them see.

“They got the full experience and he enjoyed it.”

The child appeared to be fair-skinned but Jackson said the mother was black.
Jacko seemed a little confused as he had told earlier in the documentary how he had been in a relationship with the mother when the baby was conceived, but later he told the surrogacy story.

Jackson’s other children Paris, four, and Prince Michael I, who is nearly six, have no contact with their mother — Jackson’s former dermatology nurse Debbie Rowe.

Jackson confirmed that they were his biological children and said Rowe had given them to him “as a present”, describing it as “a lovely gesture”.

The children appear unaware of their mother’s existence — Prince told Bashir he did not have a mummy.

And Jacko claimed: “She can’t handle it — she’d prefer them to be with me than with her. She did it for me. She said ‘You need to be a daddy’.”

He said the children were perfectly happy without a mother.
And he added: “They have enough women in their lives. Women are everywhere in my house, they’re with them all day long.”

Jacko said he was present at the birth of both Prince and Paris - and told how he fled the hospital with Paris moments after she was born.

“She came out the wrong way and she was being kind of choked by the umbilical cord,” he recalled.
“So I was kind of worried and I was so anxious to get her home that after cutting the cord.
“I hate to say this — I snatched her and just went home with all the placenta and everything all over her. I got her in a towel and ran.”
Jackson said he fled because he was terrified that the doctors would give him some bad news about her.
But mystifyingly he said they had given him the all-clear to take the baby away.

He also claimed Rowe had given her blessing for him to take the child away even though she had not spent any time with the baby at all.

The star revealed he had been so desperate for a child that he wandered around his Neverland ranch carrying baby dolls.

And he revealed he intends to father more children by adopting a boy and a girl from each continent in the world.
Jackson said: “It’s all in how you shape and sculpt and mould their world.”

Paris and Prince seemed to play happily like any other children and seemed at ease chatting to strangers.

But Jackson said they could never enjoy a normal life because they were not allowed to go to school with other children.

He said it was impossible because they would be plagued by paparazzi and other pupils would be jealous of them.

Elsewhere in the documentary, Bashir repeatedly quizzes the star about his cosmetic surgery.
But the singer flatly denied having had any alterations to his face other than two operations on his nose because “it helped me breathe better so I can hit higher notes”.
He dismissed the rest as “garbage” and insisted: “I am telling you the honest truth. I didn’t do anything to my face.”
Jackson attributed his drastically changed appearance as coming from Heaven.
He said: “Well, you gotta ask God that. That has nothing to do with me. I have had no plastic surgery on my face, just the nose.”

Jackson loves shopping and even took Martin Bashir on a trip.
He told of a £3.6million spree and said: “I love seeing how people make things. I love craftsmanship, what people can do with their hands and their imagination.”

The troubled singer had a host of opinions on other subjects.
He said: “I’m Peter Pan in my heart. He represents youth, childhood, never growing up, magic, flying.”

He also revealed he likes to play childish games and gets a thrill out of climbing trees.
He revealed: “I love climbing trees, it’s my favourite thing — having water balloon fights and climbing trees.”

And he is very proud of his famous ranch which boasts fairground rides and wild animals and costs millions to run.
He said: “I like the ferris wheel — it’s soothing. It’s comfortable and makes you wish and dream.”

Jackson also talked about what he likes to get up to when he visits his Las Vegas suite.
He revealed said: “When I’m bored I ride in the hallways of the hotel in this disabled wheelchair. I cruise the hallways late at night sometimes.”